Erik Quinn: The Heart of a Family: A Little Sensory Integration Disorder Humor

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Little Sensory Integration Disorder Humor

Ten Things That Confirm You Are a Parent Of a Child With Sensory Issues

1. Instead of lists to organize your schedule, you start doodling Mayor Johnson pictures.

2. A statement like "Our OT ordered AIT, ASAP, to help with SI" makes perfect sense to you.

3. You order at a restaurant not necessarily what you have a taste for, but according to food color and texture.

4. You go new clothes shopping at second-hand shops (no breaking in necessary!).

5. The barber tools required for your child's haircut includes sedatives, a flashlight or night vision goggles, and a scissors silencer.

6. You break into hysterical fits of laughter when the doctor sends in only one nurse to give your child his immunization, and she exclaims "It will only take a second!"

7. Seven different meals need to be prepared for your family of four.

8. The thought of your child's upcoming dental visit gives you anxiety attacks that require medications and therapy.

9. You do a dance of victory after dry-kissing your daughter and she doesn't wipe her mouth afterwards.

10. You start wearing your socks and underwear inside-out because it really does feel more comfortable that way.


Blogger Kati said...

I had a little bitter laughing, but this is true... :))))) At least I got to that point when I can laugh on these things... A few days ago I noticed, that I asked from Szabi 'Are you normal, my little son???' A few months ago I couldn't say this kind of words, I think :D
Love, Kati

3:44 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

does it mean we have sensory issues if your list is second nature? I just figured oh no look what my life has become.

Now in resturants we order our Drinks withthe hostess so we are feeling mych better when the melt downs start :)

6:18 AM  
Blogger Kerry said...

What's so funny is that all this existed and I never would have known if not for Brady... I would be like, ""Are you SURE that's the problem?" It still seems so strange to me that the sensory issues are so real, but we know they ARE!
Love -K

10:48 AM  
Blogger Kerry said...

What's so funny is that all this existed and I never would have known if not for Brady... I would be like, ""Are you SURE that's the problem?" It still seems so strange to me that the sensory issues are so real, but we know they ARE!
Love -K

10:48 AM  

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